About the Family-Owned Business

Family-owned businesses are unique. They present challenges that make it difficult for most HR professionals to be effective. Most of those in HR are not equipped to deal with the complexity of family-owned businesses.

With HR Partner, we objectively help you identify how best to leverage family member talent and how to develop family members so they will be ready to carry on your legacy and grow the business. We then take a coach-approach to supporting their success.

What happens after work hours is as important as what happens at work. We help the entire family understand each individual’s talent design and work to bring high levels of communication and leadership skills to the entire family. We want “fun” to be part of your family’s description of what it takes to work in a family business.

If a family member chooses to self select out of the company, we work with that individual to help them understand and find the right fit that will bring them high levels of happiness and success.

The family’s success in and out of the business will always be our concern.

To learn more about Carl Nielson, your chief HR officer, visit his LinkedIn Profile. Also check out Carl’s consulting firm, The Nielson Group, serving companies of all sizes.